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6 Feb 2014

Remove auto_increment from column in mysql

                       You created a table in which the column with specific definitions in mysql. You created table column with auto increment. To add auto increment to existing column, visit  add-auto-increment-to-existing-column in mysql. Then how can you remove it from column in mysql.  The following mysql query is used to remove auto increment from column in mysql.
Mysql Query:
                         Alter table table_name DROP PRIMARY KEY,
                          change column_name column_name datatype(length) definition

Consider the example:
The structure of table1 in database new look like this:

remove auto increment from column in mysql using alter, drop and change mysql command
                       Now we are going to remove auto increment from column 'No' in mysql table 'table1'.  The mysql query is:
                     Alter table table1 DROP PRIMARY KEY,
                      change No No int(5) NOT NULL

Now your structure look like this:

remove auto increment from column in mysql
               Now you can see the column name 'No' is normal. There is no auto increment.

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