PHP, MySQL, Drupal, .htaccess, Robots.txt, Phponwebsites: json_decode
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21 Mar 2015

Get app details from Apple itunes using php

                       You can store games, music album in Apple itunes. If you want to display information of some games or music album, then you can retrieve information about apps from itunes. For retrieve app information from itunes, Apple itunes provided a search API. Do you want to know more information about Apple itunes search API, then visit iTunes Search API.
                       On Apple itunes search API, they show some examples for search link like You can see the result of search API while visiting that page.

                       The Apple Search API return results as JSON format. You need to get app data from JSON file. It is like how you retrieve data from JSON files. You can retrieve required app information from JSON file using PHP.

Retrieve app information from Apple itunes search API using PHP

                       Suppose you have games on Apple itunes storage. Then you can get app details from itunes using PHP. Due to search API, you can Game name, Game description, seller of game, game image, screenshots, game category, released date, price, version, compatibility, rating for game, game category, game url , currency and also language.

Search url in search API

                       You can't get values from search API using only "term" field in your search url.

      where, you used only term filed to retrieve data from search API. But it didn't give any results. Just view that page on browser.

                      Instead, you have to use add field "country and entity"  . Now your search url look like this .

                     Now view this page on your browser. You can get 50 results. This is the default limit. This is the maximum value that you can retrieved. You can also limit the values using "limit" field.

      $json = json_decode($content, true);

Now you will get output on screen like this,

Array ( [resultCount] => 2
           [results] => Array (
   [0] => Array (
    [kind] => software
             [features] => Array ( [0] => iosUniversal )
 [supportedDevices] => Array (
                 [0] => iPhone5s
[1] => iPhone5c
[2] => iPadThirdGen4G
[3] => iPadFourthGen4G
[4] => iPhone-3GS
[5] => iPhone4
[6] => iPadMini4G
[7] => iPadWifi
[8] => iPadThirdGen
[9] => iPhone5
[10] => iPodTouchThirdGen
[11] => iPhone4S
[12] => iPadFourthGen
[13] => iPad23G
[14] => iPad3G
[15] => iPad2Wifi
[16] => iPodTouchFifthGen
[17] => iPodTouchourthGen
[18] => iPadMini
[isGameCenterEnabled] => [artistViewUrl] =>
[artworkUrl60] =>
[screenshotUrls] => Array (
                  [0] =>
  [1] =>
                 [ipadScreenshotUrls] => Array (
                  [0] =>
  [1] =>
[artworkUrl512] =>
[artistId] => 734671920
[artistName] => Fabsys Technologies Private Limited
[price] => 0
[version] => 42.0
[description] => The worst case scenario is that you are trapped in the room full of disgusting and smelly clothes that is giving you nausea. Find a way to escape from this room before you kill yourself
[currency] => USD
[genres] => Array ( [0] => Games [1] => Puzzle )
[genreIds] => Array ( [0] => 6014 [1] => 7012 )
[releaseDate] => 2014-06-11T12:53:03Z
[sellerName] => Fabsys Technologies Private Limited
[bundleId] => com.quicksailor.EscapeUtilityRoom
[trackId] => 885565970
[trackName] => Escape Utility Room
[primaryGenreName] => Games
[primaryGenreId] => 6014
[minimumOsVersion] => 4.3
[formattedPrice] => Free
[wrapperType] => software
[trackCensoredName] => Escape Utility Room
[trackViewUrl] =>
[contentAdvisoryRating] => 4+
[artworkUrl100] =>
[languageCodesISO2A] => Array ( [0] => EN )
[fileSizeBytes] => 11570404
[sellerUrl] =>
[averageUserRatingForCurrentVersion] => 3
[userRatingCountForCurrentVersion] => 2
[trackContentRating] => 4+
       [1] => Array (  )

PHP code for retrieve data from Apple itunes

<?php $content=file_get_contents(""); $json = json_decode($content, true); //print_R($json); $count=count($json); echo'<table><th>Name</th><th>Link</th><th>Image</th><th>Description</th>'; for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) { echo'<tr><td>'.$json['results'][$i]['trackName'].'</td>'; echo'<td>'.$json['results'][$i]['trackViewUrl'].'</td>'; $ur=$json['results'][$i]['artworkUrl512']; echo '<td><img src="'.$ur.'" width="150px"></td>'; echo'<td>'.$json['results'][$i]['description'].'</td>'; echo'</tr>'; } echo'</table>'; ?>

             Now you can get all details of app in your table. You can get any details as you want as from this PHP codes using array index represented above.

Get screenshot urls from Apple itunes using PHP

             You can get all details from itunes. You have 4 screenshot urls are avaiable in itunes for each game, 2 for screenshotUrls and another 2 for ipadScreenshotUrls. It is in array. So you want to know how to get those urls from json using PHP. The PHP script is below for that:

       $json = json_decode($content, true);
echo $json['results'][$i]['trackName'].'<br>';
echo $json['results'][$i]['screenshotUrls'][0].'<br>';
echo $json['results'][$i]['screenshotUrls'][1].'<br>';
echo $json['results'][$i]['ipadScreenshotUrls'][0].'<br>';
echo $json['results'][$i]['ipadScreenshotUrls'][1].'<br>';

              You display this reults on html img tag. Then you can get screenshot urls for a game. Just like below,

<img src="<?php $json['results'][$i]['screenshotUrls'][1]; ?>">

             Now you can get image from itunes,

Get app details from itunes using php

Get App rating from itunes using PHP

                   You can also get rating of each app from Apple itunes using PHP.

   $json = json_decode($content, true);

8 Oct 2014

Parse / Retrieve data from json file using php

                       You know how to create JSON file using PHP. Then we are going know how to get data from json file.

                       That means,  The json file returns encoded values. You have to decode it to display at wherever you wants. You can get data string from JSON using php.

                       The JSON file returns value as an array format, object format or combined both. See my previous post How to create JSON file using PHP.
                       In previous post, It give output like this:


Get data from JSON file using curl in PHP

               Now, you retrieve data from JSON file using PHP. Consider the following PHP script for retrieve data from JSON file.


    $ch = curl_init(""); // add your url which contains json file
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    $content = curl_exec($ch);
    $json = json_decode($content, true);


                  json_decode() - takes JSON encoded values and converts it to PHP variable
If you want to know about cURL, then visit

Get data from JSON file using file_get_contents in PHP

    $content=file_get_contents("");  // add your url which contains json file
    $json = json_decode($content, true);
   // print_R($json);

                   file_get_contents() - reads whole values in file into a string

              When you print_r() the results, you will get output like this:

Array (
         [0] => Array ( [PHP] => Differences The Ranch House
                               [link] =>
         [1] => Array ( [Mysql] => Kids Bus Kiss
                               [link] =>
         [2] => Array ( [htaccess] => Beehive Hideout
                                [link] =>

Finally, you will get output like this:


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25 Jun 2014

How to store array values into cookies in PHP

                      Cookies can store only string values. It can't store array values. But we are try to add array values into cookies in PHP.

Store array into cookies in php using serialize():

                    Consider the following PHP script:

error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');

                serialize() - Generate a storable values. Suppose you use above PHP code without serialize array value. Then you'll get error like this:

Store array values into cookies in php

After serialize the array values, you can store array values into cookies using setcookie() in PHP.
Now the cookie contains array values.

Retrieve array values from cookies in PHP using unserialize():

                     Consider the following example:

error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');
foreach($data as $key => $vl)
   echo $key.' : '.$vl.'<br>';

                     unserialize() - takes serialized values and converts it into PHP value again. If you didn't use unserialize() in above PHP code, then you'll get error like this:

Retrieve array values from cookies in php

$_COOKIES[''] is used to retrieve values from cookies.
Now you can get array values from cookies. The output is:

                 name : Guru
                 country : USA

Store multiple values into cookies in PHP using json_encode():

                         You can also store multiple values into cookies using json_encode() method in PHP.
json_encode()  returns JSON representation of a value.  Consider the example:


                      After encoded the array values, you can store it into cookies. If you use above code without json_encode(), then you'll get warning error message.

Retrieve array values from  cookies in PHP using json_decode();

                      You can retrieve array values from cookies using json_decode() like unserialize() in PHP.
json_decode()  takes JSON encoded values and convert it into PHP value again. Consider the example:

$arr=json_decode($return, true);
foreach($arr as $key1 => $values)
  echo $key1.' : '.$values.'<br>';

Now you can get output like this:
                 name : Guru
                 country : USA

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