Cookies can store only string values. It can't store array values. But we are try to add array values into cookies in PHP.
serialize() - Generate a storable values. Suppose you use above PHP code without serialize array value. Then you'll get error like this:
After serialize the array values, you can store array values into cookies using setcookie() in PHP.
Now the cookie contains array values.
After encoded the array values, you can store it into cookies. If you use above code without json_encode(), then you'll get warning error message.
Now you can get output like this:
Store array into cookies in php using serialize():
Consider the following PHP script:
error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');
error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');
serialize() - Generate a storable values. Suppose you use above PHP code without serialize array value. Then you'll get error like this:
Now the cookie contains array values.
Retrieve array values from cookies in PHP using unserialize():
Consider the following example:
error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');
foreach($data as $key => $vl)
echo $key.' : '.$vl.'<br>';
error_reporting('E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE');
foreach($data as $key => $vl)
echo $key.' : '.$vl.'<br>';
unserialize() - takes serialized values and converts it into PHP value again. If you didn't use unserialize() in above PHP code, then you'll get error like this:
$_COOKIES[''] is used to retrieve values from cookies.
Now you can get array values from cookies. The output is:
name : Guru
country : USA
Now you can get array values from cookies. The output is:
name : Guru
country : USA
Store multiple values into cookies in PHP using json_encode():
You can also store multiple values into cookies using json_encode() method in PHP.
json_encode() returns JSON representation of a value. Consider the example:
After encoded the array values, you can store it into cookies. If you use above code without json_encode(), then you'll get warning error message.
Retrieve array values from cookies in PHP using json_decode();
You can retrieve array values from cookies using json_decode() like unserialize() in PHP.
json_decode() takes JSON encoded values and convert it into PHP value again. Consider the example:
$arr=json_decode($return, true);
foreach($arr as $key1 => $values)
echo $key1.' : '.$values.'<br>';
$arr=json_decode($return, true);
foreach($arr as $key1 => $values)
echo $key1.' : '.$values.'<br>';
Now you can get output like this:
name : Guru
country : USA
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